Our 40th wedding anniversary was a milestone that couldn't go by without doing something special. But not with gifts etc. We decided to run the bridge.

The bridge run is a 10K. 6.2 miles. It's not just a race. It's an experience. I took that directly from their website. 😂 I have bursitis in both of my hips really bad. I knew that was going to cause me some trouble so I took precautions by going last Monday to get steroid injections. I thought that was going to work but alas it did not. Aside from almost freezing to death, I had severe pain in both of my hips and the bottom of my feet. I also suffer from Morton's Neuroma which is nerve damage in my feet which I've suffered with for years along with the bursitis. I had surgery on my left foot but it didn't really give me an relief.
And if you guys remember, I broke two bones in my right foot and also broke my ankle last September while visiting a friend in Detroit with my daughter and her husband. We finished the run in just under three hours.

My husband ran the whole way. I ran some but mostly walked. But I finished and that's what I truly care about. Do I want to do it again? Heck yeah. Will I? Probably not.
I'm so glad I did it though. It is something to be proud of.
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1 comment
Congratulations on your 40th and for tackling and completing a huge endeavor ‼️