A colorful collection of handmade polymer clay earrings

Caring for Your Polymer Clay Earrings

Hey there friend!  Polymer clay earrings need a little TLC to keep them looking their best. So, let's dive into the wonderful world of polymer clay earring care with a sprinkle of fun and a dash of love!

  • Storage Solutions: Keep It Cozy!

Polymer clay earrings are like little works of art, and they deserve a cozy home. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. A jewelry box with compartments is ideal. If you're feeling crafty, consider making your own earring holder from a repurposed picture frame and some mesh. This keeps them organized and easy to find.

  • Handle with Care: Gentle is the Key

When putting on or taking off your polymer clay earrings, be gentle. These beauties, though durable, can be prone to breakage if handled roughly. Hold the metal findings (the hooks or posts) rather than the clay itself to avoid putting pressure on the delicate clay.

  • Cleaning: A Gentle Touch

Cleaning your polymer clay earrings is simple. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or smudges. For more stubborn spots, a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab works wonders. Avoid using harsh chemicals or soaking them in water, as this can damage the clay and any decorative elements.

  • Avoid Chemicals: No Sprays or Lotions

Polymer clay earrings don’t get along well with chemicals. Perfumes, lotions, and hair sprays can cause discoloration or damage. Always put on your earrings after applying these products. Think of it as giving your handmade jewelry the red-carpet treatment!

  • Keep Them Dry: Water is a No-Go

While polymer clay is water-resistant, prolonged exposure to water can weaken the material and cause the metal findings to tarnish. Avoid wearing your earrings while swimming, showering, or during intense workouts. If they do get wet, gently pat them dry with a soft cloth.

  • Traveling Tips: Pack Smart

Traveling with your handmade jewelry requires a bit of planning. Use a small, padded jewelry box or a fabric pouch to keep your polymer clay earrings safe. This prevents them from getting tangled or damaged during your travels. You can also wrap them individually in soft cloths or tissue paper for extra protection.

  • Repairing: When Accidents Happen

Oops, did you drop your favorite pair? Don't fret! Small breaks can often be fixed with a bit of super glue. Apply a tiny amount to the broken pieces and hold them together until they set. For more complex repairs, you might want to consult the artist who made them or a local jeweler.

 Cleaning a colorful handmade polymer clay earring


Taking care of your polymer clay earrings is easy and rewarding. By following these simple tips, you'll ensure that your handmade jewelry stays beautiful for years to come. Remember, a little love goes a long way in preserving these delightful accessories. So go ahead, flaunt those fabulous polymer clay earrings and let them shine!

Happy accessorizing!

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